Are We Running Around Trying to Get A Covid Vaccine Like Justin Timberlake in the Movie In Time

Martin Ogawa
3 min readJan 8, 2021

In 2011, In Time was a futuristic movie where the wealthy can live forever but the poor man Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) has to beg, borrow, and steal enough minutes to make it through another day.

Trying to get a COVID019 Vaccine Appointment in 2021 for the elderly, our loved ones and eventually ourselves seems like a horrible scene from this movie.

Earlier today, a local hospital in South Florida opened up appointments not only for those ever 65 years of age but for those high-risk members of the community (per the CDC definition). After our family spent many hours on our phones last week calling virtually all the local hospitals before finally successfully scheduling for our loved ones over 65, today was the start of a new era of the COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment Chaos.

The first question, I googled this morning, what is the CDC definition of people at high-risk of covid. I was unsuccessful at finding an exact definition.

So after many unsuccessful attempts to access this hospital’s website link which reminded me of trying to buy Concert Tickets, I eventually was successful at accessing the Hospital’s Covid Appointment System.

Below is the criteria the appointment site gave for persons under the age of 65 that have “high risk medical conditions as outline by the CDC.

Wow, I was able to successfully schedule an appointment! Although I have not received the shot yet, just having a scheduled appointment is quite a feeling! Of course once family members found out, my family chat started blowing up. I then realized that the CDC’s list of high risk conditions is much broader than I thought and that MANY Americans, maybe millions would possibly fall into the high risk category.

Some new questions now:

  • Other than a driver’s license, what medical proof of high risk conditions will the patient with an appointment need to provide.
  • Will the Hospital do some type of screening and deny people who made appointments the vaccine.
  • Are we as American on some type of honor system? In South Florida, it is well known that lines or queues are not always respected.
  • What will happen after Inauguration Day on January 20th when our new President takes office. Will appointments be canceled as the vaccine is re-allocated.

Finally, similar to the movie In Time, will the wealthy move to the front of the line as Concierge Doctors in America start to get allotments of the COVID-19 vaccine. #InTime #COVID19Vaccine



Martin Ogawa

Digital Entrepreneur, Technologist, Internet Privacy, NBA Fan, Home Barista.